About IGPC
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Ethanol?
Ethanol is a renewable, clean-burning, high octane fuel traditionally used as a blending ingredient in gasoline. This liquid alcohol is made up of oxygen, hydrogen and carbon and is obtained from the fermentation of sugar or converted starch contained in grains (such as corn).
The above model represents an ethanol molecule.
How is Ethanol made?
At IGPC, ethanol is made using the following dry mill process:
Click for larger Image
A brief explanation:
In dry milling, the entire corn kernel is first ground into flour, also known as "corn meal". The corn meal is slurried with water to form a "mash." Enzymes and Ammonia are then added to the mash. The mash is transferred to fermenters where yeast is added and the conversion of sugar to ethanol and carbon dioxide (CO2) begins. After fermentation, the resulting "beer" is transferred to distillation columns where the ethanol is separated from the remaining "whole stillage." The ethanol is concentrated to 190 proof and then is dehydrated to 200 proof. It is then blended with denaturant making it unfit for human consumption and is ready to be shipped.
How is ethanol used?
Ethanol is blended with gasoline to produce a fuel which has environmental advantages when compared with gasoline, and can be used in gasoline-powered vehicles manufactured since the 1980's. Some vehicles are specially manufactured to operate on an ethanol blend that contains up to 85 percent ethanol and at least 15 percent gasoline.
How much ethanol is currently in Canadian fuel?
As of December 15th, 2010, the Renewable Fuel Mandate, put into effect by the government of Canada, requires an average of 5% renewable content in gasoline across Canada. Because this is an average, the amount of renewable content can vary with lower percentages in Northern Canada and higher percentages in the Toronto and GTA, for example, depending on demand.
How does an ethanol plant help farmers?
The production of fuel ethanol is a way for farmers to add value to their corn through the ownership of a processing plant. It is an opportunity to participate in the fuel industry, which is a growth industry, versus producing a basic farm commodity. Increasing corn processing capacity in Ontario will increase the demand for Ontario corn, and therefore, give farmers a greater market for their corn.
What co-products of ethanol does IGPC use?
Ethanol production yields large quantities of distillers grains. At IGPC, distillers are made into three variations: dry, wet, and low-fat wet. The distillers grains are an easily digestible, high source of protein suitable for livestock feed.
Why did IGPC build an ethanol plant in Aylmer, Ontario?
The plant is located in the heart of Ontario's grain corn production area. The location allows easy access to the 401 via Highway #73, has access to rail, and is close to its markets -such as livestock to sell distillers grains. The community of Aylmer has also been very welcoming to the plant and, in turn, IGPC helps support Aylmer through employment and community involvement.
How many jobs have been created?
Approximately 150 jobs were created during construction. The plant is staffed by a dedicated team of about 85 full-time employees.
How much water is used?
IGPC uses about 1,700 litres of water per minute. All process water remains in the process and is recycled internally. Any discharge from the plant will be stormwater and water that does not come into contact with production materials (such as that used in the boiler and cooling tower).